
Saturday 13 October 2012


Off to the North Wall in the early morning rain to search out the reported Spoonbills. When I arrived the tide was well on the up and I searched for and inspected every white speck in the harbour, all to no avail. Then a glimpse of a bird in the creek, so I was off, like a rat up a drainpipe, to get a better view. False trail, probably another Little Egret, but when I returned to the wall - there they were -  stood out on the mud snoozing away. In fact they only moved once during the period I was observing, relocating away from the advancing tide. Four of them all in row but at a considerable distance. Other highlights were six  Brent Geese  fresh in off the sea and landing next to the Spoonies. Also a familiar noise alerted me in time to see a flyover of two Bearded Tits, early but welcome, unfortunately they didn't stop near the pool.

Just some record shots of the Spoonies I'm afraid

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